Set My Mind Free..

I am in the corner still scared of him,
He calls my name...twice.
He sounds angry yet concerned.
I can't answer cause he will hear my sobs,
And he will kill he promised.
He starts walking towards me,
His heavy boots, strong on the wooden floor,
Each step and I hear my mother's sob by my grave,

I can't answer cause he will hit me for having not answered earlier.
And he will kill my soul the others.
He is now standing next to me,
He shines the light on me,
I am in his t-shirt and nothing else.
The floor is wet...from the water he poured on me earlier.
I am trying not to look up or breathe hard cause he will punish me,
And he will kill my hope to ever see myself ...who he hates.
"Bird, look at me."He whispers and crouches to touch my hair.
I feel care in his voice and hear concern in his tone.
I have a battle inside me...'Look!Don't!Look!Don't!'
I lift my head slowly to look at him...
"Are you crying? Bitch!" He shouts, grabs and slaps me!
And I know this time he will kill me...It is in his eyes.

Then my life starts to flash before my eyes,
Everybody told me that he will one day kill me,
My family, but my mother, disowned me,
My friends all left cause they were tired of my wounds.
But I thought I could help him...change!
And here he is, about to kill me...I know it is too late.
Then, he grabs my hair and pulls me up.
"You little bitch! Always crying!" He head-butts me.
The pain is too much but not like what I feel in my heart.
Then I tell him that I am pregnant....
Whoa... Deep!!
Deletegoddammit. This is deep....