He Is Just A Boy!

He is always wondering, Always dreaming! Wandering!
Words heal him, Words complete him.
They to him are candy, the only friend he has always had.
He is just a boy! A trapped little boy.
His brain still stuck at the spot you left him as a child.
He has grown, acquired knowledge, matured... you all say.
But he is still there!
There where you left him crying..wondering why...needing his dad.
He is just a boy! A child inside.
He remembers playings alone; drawing, writing, smiling...lonely.
He is a loner. Sad. Concerned. Hurt. Bitter.. Weird...yeah weird.
He still plays alone, even in a crowd.
Lone is his comfort zone
He is just a boy! That boy.
Words are his friends. They understand him.
They don't judge him. They don't find him strange.
His solace, his happy place, his cure!
He hates tears! They are warm. Warmth is for the weak.
Misery is for the strong! Like him. Misery is his other friend!
He is just a boy! A haunted boy.

He was scared for a while when you left.
Then he learnt that he only had himself.
He had to put him first, to make himself proud.
Disappointment was never an option.
He put up his guard, his charming smile. It worked.
He is just a boy! A strange boy.
He is still wondering, trying to find where he fits in.
He writes, it makes him happy to know that he made someone read.
Because he is still trying to find a belonging.
To find where he will be accepted as weird as he is.
He might be a man, but he is a child inside.
He is just a boy. Stuck in the past.
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