R.I.P Studges
It is said that great men walk amongst us,
More often than not we realize this when they are no more!
It is hard to imagine,
let alone write or accept that amongst us,
you are no more!
To joy, pain, happiness, loss, wins, laughter(a lot of it).
To pride, friendship and the struggles that few knew.
You were a true champion my friend!
You lived like a king.
With the kindest of hearts,
The warmest of embraces,
And genuineness in your words like a saint.
You cared, even when you shouldn't have.
You forgave, even when you shouldn't have.
You loved, without questioning just like a child...
Your bled for your brothers,
You wept when we lost and celebrated each win like it was a world cup final.
And that is the true character of a legend.
And you were...in all sense of the word.
You forever will be.
You played with your heart and soul.
True passion for the team and game.
You were family and always will be.
I hope you are happy there.
I hope you have found peace.
But above all these, I hope that we will meet again.
Until we meet, make those you are with smile like you made us.
Your memories we forever will cherish,
Your footprints in our hearts will remain,
Your smile we will never forget!
Rest In Peace Studge.
More often than not we realize this when they are no more!
It is hard to imagine,
let alone write or accept that amongst us,
you are no more!
To joy, pain, happiness, loss, wins, laughter(a lot of it).
To pride, friendship and the struggles that few knew.
You were a true champion my friend!

With the kindest of hearts,
The warmest of embraces,
And genuineness in your words like a saint.
You cared, even when you shouldn't have.
You forgave, even when you shouldn't have.
You loved, without questioning just like a child...
Your bled for your brothers,
You wept when we lost and celebrated each win like it was a world cup final.
And that is the true character of a legend.
And you were...in all sense of the word.
You forever will be.
You played with your heart and soul.
True passion for the team and game.
You were family and always will be.
I hope you are happy there.
I hope you have found peace.
But above all these, I hope that we will meet again.
Until we meet, make those you are with smile like you made us.
Your memories we forever will cherish,
Your footprints in our hearts will remain,
Your smile we will never forget!
Rest In Peace Studge.
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