Peace: Her Violence

You whisper to her consciousness; you shout at her attempts to ignore you,
She covers her ears, but your voice cuts through her hands and heart.
She tells you to leave her alone, you laugh at her.
You grab her mind, you crash her soul.
She feels her breathe leave her body.
She feels your spirit push her to the corner.
"I own you!" you whisper into the echoes of her existence.
She can't stop the voices, she feels herself submitting to your power.
She tries to call for help but who will hear her?
Why should they hear her weak but loud voice?..wait, do they even listen?
The door to the rabbit hole opens up.
You push her in...You push her to the dark.
She is lost.
She is all alone...with herself...and you,
One! You are now one.
You confuse her.
Then you consume her.

You throw the positives out,
Your cold, dark, painful, selfish reign begins.
No point in fighting fate.
She doesn't have a chance at life.
Darkness is home,
Smile a weapon to conceal,
Care becomes burdening.
Talking is too heavy to bear..
Silence becomes war.
Peace is violence.
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