I owe it to me for all, For I have raised me, Taught me where to and not to go, that made me this sharp, Played ans danced to my own harp, Cried and learnt from my stupid useful mishap, This is My pride parade, the flaps of my life. Played by my rules, ruled my kingdom by my cup Watched me grow in admiration off and of every and build up, Hugged Me when everything seemed not right, and shrugged off the crap, Celebrated my success,grieved over my failures and every wallop, This is my pride parade, the flaps of my life. Watched them hiccup to my mix ups as the gossip, Ignored all that blow up, told myself to hold up,get up and Clean up from the scarp Not once did I complain or let out my carp, Look at me now, A woman whose ground you worship, This is my pride parade, The flaps of my life. Today to my Grandma I bow as I drop my cap, Thank you!You taught me me to map my way to avoid any trap, Allow me to snap for a mi...